The Y&N app realizes the unique ability to post shorts videos, show them to an audience of millions, ask questions, and get live feed back
Yes (Y) or No (N)
Depending on the answer the User can receive the next task or video. Each task has a time limit, if the user does not want to watch or answer - it will be lost along with the opportunity to get a reward
Gradually, by answering questions, users talk about their opinions, interests, preferences, choices - but only the information they want to share. It is accumulated, processed and taken into account when forming the following offers individually to each of the Y&N app participants
Users become not only consumers, but also
creators, interacting with each other and with the one who initiates the placement of information and questions in the WEB3 format
The founders of YANDI Promotion paid special attention to organizational issues of legalization of advertising and promotion in different countries, taking into account different requirements and legal framework. This provides opportunities for many people in different regions to participate in the creation and development of YANDI.ga
Registration bonuses are rapidly decreasing! Register right now!
YANDI Promotion
We create new opportunities to promote your brands to become more successful
  • Recognizability
    Promote new things in the markets, make known and recognized quickly
  • Virability
    Launch viral mechanics to spread the word
  • Targeting
    Maximize targeting offers to users
  • Feedback
    Improve products and services based on user feedback
  • Scaling
    Quickly build communities, loyal customers, fans
  • Interactivity
    Engage users in the creation of new brands, products and services
  • Analytics
    Work including rejections, identifying their cause
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